
Might Club

Buy: Paypal (signed) | Paypal (unsigned)

Might ClubPraise for Might Club (Horse Less Press, 2014)

“I really like Siel Ju’s language, her choice of words. There’s something sensual, or gourmet about it. Like if Neruda improvised a poem for you while cooking a really good steak. Might Club also features poems that are written in two parallel columns, which could be read in two (maybe more?) ways and they seem pretty genius when they flow, which is often.”

— Kevin Sampsell, author of This Is Between Us, and A Common Pornography


“These poems are both fun and inventive in their wit, but they are dark and haunting in their revelation of the abyss.”

— Cody Todd, author of Graffiti Signatures

Read a sample poem from Might Club at Drunken Boat.

Feelings Are Chemicals in Transit

Feelings Are Chemicals in TransitBuy: Dancing Girl Press | Paypal (signed)


These poems explore the ephemeral quality of feelings – how quickly emotions, even very intense ones, shift and morph and fade, even in the complete absence of external influence.


Read a sample poem from Feelings at The Missouri Review.

Read an interview about Feelings at Speaking of Marvels.