Cake Time interview in Muse

Riverside City College has its own print annual literary journal called Muse, and the Spring 2018 issue features an interview with me about Cake Time and the writing life. Here’s an excerpt:

Q: You run a blog where you interview authors each month and do book giveaways. What is the most important piece of advice you would give someone who is looking to start a similar, literary-based blog? How do you offset the hidden costs involved in this work?

A: I would say start small, and be consistent. A daily blog is great in theory, but for most people, that’ll make them lose steam in a week —

Also, I wouldn’t expect to offset the hidden costs — I would just expect to pay them out of pocket. So if you’re limited in funds, use free resources as much as possible. You can grow from there when you’re feeling more flush.

Read the whole thing by picking up a copy at Cellar Door Books in Riverside, Calif., or by emailing

And thanks to RCC professors James Ducat and Jo Scott-Coe for inviting me to the campus for a reading and arranging for this interview — and to all the great RCC students I got to meet, both in person and through words. Here’s a video featuring the Spring 2018 RCC student staff members!

Earlier: 15 Literary journals for Los Angeles writers

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